person can never become an XX person and vice versa, so someone at Point 1 can never attain Point 4 nor 4 become a 1. However, they can remove some of what they have and acquire some of what the other sex has and thus move closer to the other extreme. Thus the male who has electrolysis to remove his beard, takes hormones to grow breasts, has the penis removed and then is castrated, moves progressively closer to the female position but he never actually arrives there because he always remains an XY chromosomal person. On the other side, the female who first takes hormones to grow a beard, has the breasts removed surgicially, then the vagina, the uterus and the ovaries, makes the same trip in reverse moving ever closer to but never attaining chromosomal maleness. (Although it is necessary for the pur- pose of the step-by-step development to list removal of vagina, uterus and ovaries separately and in that order, in practice they would all be done at once in the same operation.) It is clear that these two movements are in opposite directions and that they overlap. But some degree of this sort of change can exist in persons who are not transex- uals thus a male may have gynomastia (enlarged breasts) and have no transexual impulses at all. Likewise, female can have enough beard due to hormone imbalances that they have to resort to electrolysis, or they may just be naturally flat-chested and in neither case are they considered transexually inclined. The transexual is merely someone who desires or accomplishes these changes voluntarily.

So the line 5-8 is the male transexual line and the steps on it are in- dicated. Electrolysis, hormone induced breasts, penectomy and castra- tion are all steps of increasing femininity and decreasing masculinity. Thus castration is at the "8" end rather than near 5 because when it is done the individual is at the closest point he can get to femaleness. Similarly, the line 3-2 is the line of the female to male transexual and its stages are marked off, too. One might misinterpret the chart and think that the male TS line was 1-4 and the female would be 4-1. They are not because in both cases the chromosomal sex of the chosen sex partner is the same as that of the operated transexual. That is, the male now liv- ing as a woman chooses XY males as sex partners even though she is an XY herself. Because she is living in the feminine gender she has to be at the far end of the 1-5 line, because she chooses male partners she has to be at the lower end of the 6-5 line and because this puts her at point 5 to start, her move toward femaleness has to be toward (but not attaining) point 8. The reverse explanation applies to the female to male sex-change person. Thus the ultimate "transexual" points are at 9 on the 5-8 line and 10 on the 3-2 line for male to female and female to male post-operative transexuals respectively.